Low Altitude, Low Cost, Aerial Photography. Call today for more information 480-250-5534
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Low Altitude Aerial Photography vs. Traditional Aerial Photography
There is less atmospheric haze at lower altitudes so the photos are clearer and sharper. Most full scale airplanes are limited to no less than 1000 feet in many areas. (Using our method, Pictures can be taken from 20 to 1000 feet).
Low altitude aerial photography offers a much wider range of angles on the object.
Oftentimes traditional aerial photography photos look distant, flat, and sometimes blurry. This most likely occurs because they have to use large telephoto lenses from a much higher altitude.

Aerial photography that utilizes unmanned radio controlled aircraft have the following limitations:
Weather: Because our aircraft are so lightweight, weather with winds above 10mph can cause the aircraft to be very difficult to maneuver. Thus, we usually don't fly in wind greater than 10mph. (The wind is usually calmer in the morning and increases in the afternoon then calms down again in the evening. Thus early mornings or early evenings are the best times to fly.)
Obstacles: Power lines, congested trees around photo subject, high traffic areas, highly populated areas, and other factors can cause the pilot to call off the photo shoot for a later date or decline the job entirely.
Safety: This is our utmost concern and if flying conditions are deemed unsafe to pedestrians, ourselves, or other factors we simply will not fly.